Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break begins on Wednesday, November 25th.  Have a wonderful and safe holiday!

Persuasive Writing

The class will be working on a persuasive writing essay this week from a turkey's point of view!  Looking forward to hearing the many persuasive reasons that we should not eat the turkey!

Reader's Theater

The class has been working on some very funny Thanksgiving reader's theaters.  They are excited to perform on Tuesday!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Unit 3 Math Test

The class will be taking a Unit 3 Math Test on Tuesday, November 17th.

Money Madness

The class is learning about economy, history of money, and budgeting money.

School Board Meeting

There is a school board meeting at Avilla on November 18th at 6:00.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Volcano Erupting!

The class had a lot of fun with their visit from Miss Leah this week.  Miss Leah visits twice a month from the Kendallville Public library.  She focuses Science or Social Studies.  This week the class found out what happens when you mix vinegar with baking soda!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Veteran's Day Program

The school will be having a program to observe Veteran's Day on November 11th at 10:00 a.m.

Parent Pipeline - Infer and Support with Evidence

The class has been working on making inferences and supporting with evidence.  You can click on the following link for suggestions on how to help with this strategy at home.

Parent Pipeline

Fractured Fairy Tales

The students are publishing fractured fairy tales!  Very creative stories!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Report Cards

Report Cards will be going home on Wednesday, November 11th.

Donuts for Dads

Donuts for Dads is on Tuesday, November 3rd from 7:00 a.m until 7:45 a.m.  Hope to see you there!

Election Day

Don't forget to vote!  Election day is on Tuesday, November 3rd!  Be sure to "Vote Yes"  for the Middle School Project!

Pint Size Hero Blood Drive

The Pint Size Hero Blood Drive is from 2:30 - 7:30 at Avilla School in the Multi-Purpose room.  Hope to see you come out for this great cause!

Fall Festival

The class had rotations on Thursday during our Fall Festival!  This is a picture of one of the groups making and enjoying spider cookies!

Character Counts

The school focused on the pillar of "Caring" at the Character Counts convocation.  The school recognized Hunter and a kindergarten student who is also at Riley by wearing a bracelet to support them and to demonstrate "Caring".